Gunwanti Harish Thanvi Shares A Message To The Most Important Women Of Her Life.

There's a message to the most important women of my life.

To My Mother and My Sister,

They are the most amazing women in my life, one who fought with every evil to safeguard me and my sister who stays by my side no matter what the situation is.

I may not be the best one, but my mother and sister are the best women a person could ever find in life.

From the day of my birth till now, it has been very difficult for my mother to handle everything, but she always does it with a smile so that I stay strong which prevents me from going into depression.
I lost my father when I was 8 days old but till now when I am 21 years old, her efforts never made me feel I have only one parent.
She is the most beautiful person inside out in my life without whom I am nothing.
Her presence makes me feel happy and builts me with self confidence.

My sister plays a very crucial role in my life, from teaching me to standing by my side.
She has always made me feel happy, always pampered me, made me feel so special that no one else could ever do so.
People may say that siblings only fight, but in my case I am the luckiest person that my sister fulfills every wish I just say once. 

For me my role model is my Mother and my Sister.
No matter what happens in my life I just want them to be happy and their happiness means the world to me❤️
I love you❤️


Never let anyone dominate you, your self respect matters a lot.
Never let anyone make you feel uncomfortable, their presence isn't valuable to you.
Never let anyone abuse or harass you, make yourself strong enough to fight.
Never let anyone torture you physically or even mentally, your health matters more than them.
So stand for yourself, fight for yourself and never let anyone stand in your way to success.


~नारी का जीवन संयम~
दुखों के भंवर से निकलकर,
जीना तो वो भी कुछ पल सुकून के चाहती हैं,
थोड़ी सी खुशियों की ख्वाहिश तो वो भी रखती हैं,
बहुत बहा लिए हर बात पर आंसू,
थोड़ा मुस्कुराना तो वो भी चाहती है,
बहुत आई अटकलें उसकी राहों में,
एक फूलों भरी राह तो वो भी चाहती है,
कितने अत्याचार,दुर्व्यवहार, यौन शोषण हुए उसके,
अपने चरित्र पर लगे दाग तो मिटाना वो भी चाहती है,
वो चुप रही हर जुल्म सहती रही तो सबने भीगी बिल्ली कह दिया,
मगर मर्यादाओं का मान रखा उसने,
वरना शेरनी सा दहाड़ना, शिकार करना वो भी जानती है,
अपने हर दर्द, हर गम को अपने अंदर समेट लिया उसने,
क्योंकि एक मां क्या होती ये वो बखूबी जानती है,
अपने बच्चों का जीवन सुधारना वो तुमसे बेहतर जानती है।।

BY - @sonu @R.V.TEENA

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